Our CSA provides the opportunity to grow, learn, and nourish one another. Not only are you provided with the best of our produce offerings, but as a CSA member, you are an integrated part of our farm and its community. We are so glad you’re here!

  • Through a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Share, members support their local farmers by participating in a purchasing schedule that is more reliable and personal than the traditional Farmer’s Market business model, enabling the local community and food economy to strengthen and flourish. As the member of a CSA, you make responsible, environmentally-regenerative food production possible. Your membership builds community, keeps food dollars local while putting quality food on your table, and sustains small farming.

    Basically, a CSA is a commitment exchange: customers exchange their commitment to a farmer’s efforts though purchase security and farmers commit to doing their best to provide customers with quality food for a target allotment of time.

  • A CSA is a shared risk partnership between farmer and share-member. Members pay in full for their share before the first pick-up day of the year. Then, we provide our most fantastic, chemical-free produce available weekly throughout the growing season, with the intention of providing a greater than market-value return in appreciation for your up-front investment.

    Depending on your desired commitment, you are responsible in collecting your fresh produce weekly or biweekly from the farm or another designated drop site. When you join as a shareholder, we stay in touch with you throughout the season with harvest updates, recipe recommendations, and exclusive invites to on-farm events.

  • Anyone who is interested in one or more of the following:

    • supporting local business and families

    • connecting with the place your food is grown

    • eating more nutritious produce grown in a no-till, biologically connected system without chemicals or pesticides

    • exploring new varieties not available in wholesale grocery stores

    • supporting responsible & regenerative land stewardship practices

    • reducing carbon, energy, and chemical footprint by choosing locally and organically grown food

    Our CSA members also enjoy the benefit of regular communication with their farmers and other members, where collective support builds celebration of good food and grows community. Members are invited to several on-farm events during the year, providing an opportunity for connection with others and connection to the place our shared nourishment begins.

  • Click the “JOIN US!” button to learn more about our share offerings. If you are new to our CSA or the CSA model in general, you can also reference our FAQs.